As a cross platform format, PDF files are being used by more and more e-books, product descriptions, company notices, network materials and e-mails. As early as 2009, PDF/Archive(PDF/A), as a long-term preservation format of electronic documents, was approved by China National Standardization Administration Committee, and has become a formal Chinese national standard. Therefore, for the vast majority of company executives, PDF is one of the most frequently used document types in their daily work.
Although PDF has many advantages like high restoration, high integration and high security, it has many inconveniences points in actual operation: firstly, most of the document processing software does not have enough level of support for PDF, so it is difficult to read and edit PDF form time to time; Secondly, Adobe's official reader is not only a large software, but also starts slow while taking a large portion of computer memory at the same time. Meanwhile, the price is also prohibitive.
In order to introduce better legitimate software to the market, and serve the public's work and life while improve efficiency. C&J Marketing Software Co.,Ltd(AKA C&J)recently introduced the well-known PDF editing tool software on Windows platform:pdfFactory。
As a good, reliable and effective alternative to Adobe Acrobat, pdfFactory provides a solution that is simpler, more efficient and less expensive to create PDF files than other programs: it is not only a PDF document editing tool, but also a PDF virtual printer driver that can encrypt and control the operation rights of PDF files.
Previously, C&J has introduced the PDF editing tool on MacOS: PDF expert. The introduction of pdfFactory means that C&J has completed the overall layout of introducing genuine PDF tools on the mainstream windows system and MacOS platforms. C&J has always proceed company’s vision of "let digital tools achieve creativity and dreams". The introduction of this product into China will undoubtedly benefit more users. An improvement of efficiency and user experience can be significantly delivered.
Currently,pdfFactory have launched its official Chinese website:。 The price for pdfFactory 7 standard and professional version is listed at 199 RMB and 299 RMB。
At the same time, in order to improve office efficiency and increase environmental awareness. C&J also introduced FinePrint, another software from pdfFactory’s manufacture, FinePrint Software, LLC . This product is a virtual printer tool, which can optimize printing settings, save more time and ink for users who often print. The price is at 199 RMB.